Configuring the questionnaire and its frequency

To configure the sending of a questionnaire:

  1. Go to the patient’s file on the “Health report” tab.

  2. Then select the questionnaire and activate it.

  3. In the right-hand banner, configure the questionnaire to suit your needs by selecting:

  • the sending frequency (weekly frequency recommended),

  • the desired day of the week (according to the service recommendations),

  • the sending method (sending by SMS is recommended). Sending by e-mail is possible if and only if you have previously entered the patient’s e-mail address on the patient profile tab.

  1. Then click on “Save” at the bottom right to validate your settings.

If a questionnaire is already activated, you have the option to edit the frequency, the day of the week or the transmission method. To do this, go to the patient’s file on the “Health report” tab, then click on “Edit”.

⚠️ Be careful not to have multiple active questionnaires. If you want to de-activate an active questionnaire and then configure a new one, refer to this step.