Commenting on the patient questionnaire
For each questionnaire in the alert, It’s possible to add one or more comments to the patient’s report. This comment space allows you to track your actions on this alert or track the actions to be taken; for example:
“Fever due to Covid-19”
“Redundant depression symptom every week, changes little over time, remind the patient about it only once a month”
“Patient taken care of by the pain team during the treatments”
“Concomitant prescription of treatment XXX for 2 months”
“Seen by a psychologist, patient treated in parallel”
To publish a comment:
Access the comment space by opening the relevant questionnaire (questionnaire in alert or already processed from the patient’s health report), under the block “Export document”.
Write your comment, then click on “Post your comment”.
ℹ️ Any comments posted are visible to the caregivers with access to the patient’s file.